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High-Performance Self-Coaching Webinar

Practice the techniques that will keep you in a growth mindset, neutralize triggers instantly and eliminate concerns about anxiety

Tin this Webinar, I will introduce tools that work.

As a person over 50, you have may have lived several decades repeating the same patterns.

This is normal as our subconscious runs the show. The problem is that our conditioning - which is the basis for the 95% of our lives being run by habit - is from decades ago.

In this two hour webinar, I will demonstrate and give you a chance to practice the steps to take back the control of your life.

You can still rely on your subconscious but the habits will be the ones that serve you.

Join us for this free webinar - two to choose from:

Tuesday morning at 7:00 AM PDT - OCT 8th REGISTRATION LINK

Wednesday afternon 1t 1:00 PM PDT - OCT 9th REGISTRATION LINK

Discussion about this podcast

7 Fitness Areas
Life Expansion After 50
Dedicated to helping people navigate living above the line. The line is that imaginary set point that can be referred to as our 'Upper Limit'. It is not a real limit and in '7 Fitness Areas', we will uncover, and share insights that unlock your path to more health, wealth, love, and happiness.